This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/cprdieselroster.
WWW.CPRDIESELROSTER.COM CP FB-1, F7B, CPB16-4, CFB-2, FPB-2, FB-2, F9B : 4400-4478
The CP 4400 series consisted of Alco FB-1 units (numbered #4400-4403) and MLW FB-1 units (#4404-4423), with a 4-cycle ALCO 244 series turbocharged V12 engine rated at 1,500 Hp; GMD F7B units (#4424-4448 and #4459-4462), all rated at 1,500 Hp, and fitted with a 16-cylinder 567 series 2-cycle engine; CLC CPB16-4 #4449-4454 and #4471-4472, with a 1,600 Hp, 2-cycle FM 8 cylinder 'opposed piston' engine; CLC CFB16-4 units numbered #4455-4458, also rated at 1,600 Hp; MLW FPB-2 (#4463-4464) and MLW FB-2 (#4465-4470) units, with a 4-cycle ALCO 251 series turbocharged V12 engine, rated at 1,600 Hp; GMD F9B #4473-4478, rated at 1,750 Hp, and fitted with a 16-cylinder 567 series 2-cycle engine.
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